Frequently asked questions about Melitta appliances.

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about Melitta appliances.

1. How often should I descale my coffee machine?

How often a coffee machine needs descaling depends on how often it is used and the hardness of the water. In the event that the machine is used every day, then for hard water use, it is recommended to carry out desalination twice a month, while for soft water use, once a month is sufficient.

2. What is the best way to descale my coffee machine?

For descaling a coffee machine, it is recommended to use a descaling liquid suitable for coffee machines.

3. How long can I keep coffee beans?

The best before date can be found on the packaging of the coffee beans. The minimum storage date is valid as long as the package is closed.

4. What is the best way to store coffee?

Roasted coffee is a delicate natural product, which can quickly lose its flavor if stored in the wrong way. Therefore, we recommend that you do not store the open package together with other strong-smelling foods. Protect your coffee from direct sunlight, heat and moisture, as these can adversely affect the taste. Store in a cool, dry and odor-free place. We also recommend that you store your coffee in its original packaging.

5. What does the grinding of the coffee bean have to do with the taste of the coffee?

The way the coffee beans are ground significantly affects the taste of the coffee. will have a stronger taste, while if the grind is coarse, the taste will be milder. If the coffee beans are finely ground, the coffee will have a stronger taste, while if the grind is coarse, the taste will be milder.

6. What is espresso?

Espresso is a small amount of concentrated coffee.

7. What is filter coffee?

Filter coffee is made from hot water passing through ground coffee. Hot water is filtered through gravity. When the water comes into contact with the ground coffee, the flavors, color and aroma of the coffee are extracted and dissolved in the water, a process also known as extraction.

8. What is the difference between filter coffee and espresso?

Espresso and filter coffee have only one thing in common. The coffee bean! Espresso is a concentrated coffee that is poured with pressurized water. The result is a small cup of coffee with a rich texture, a bittersweet taste and a golden foam known as crema. It needs at least 9 bar pressure to give the full flavor of the coffee.

9.Do all filter coffee makers have the same results?

The immediate answer is no. The right filtering and the right extraction rate are just some of the features that play an important role in the result.

Some key features:

  • As coffee consists of 98% water, the quality of the water significantly affects the taste of your coffee. Therefore, the water should not be too hard or too soft. Water hardness varies greatly from region to region. While water that is too soft increases the acidity of the coffee, water that is too hard reduces its acidity.
  • You must have the correct dosage of coffee. You should use the correct dosage of coffee with water, which will give you lighter or stronger coffee. The ideal dosage is 60g. of coffee per liter of water. The 10 cups of coffee will need 1.25 liters of water and 75g. coffee.
  • Correct temperature. The most correct temperature for filtering coffee is 92-96°. Any colder and the aroma will be lost from the bean. Any hotter and the coffee will become bitter.
10. Glass or metal jug?

The Filter Coffee Makers have glass or metal jugs (hot). The glass carafe uses a hot plate to hold the filtered coffee while the metal (warm) carafe maintains the temperature of the filtered coffee through its walls. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Many say that the glass jug that is continuously heated by the hot plate underneath it can change the taste of the coffee after some time. The metal jug keeps the temperature better but is more expensive and you can’t see how much coffee is inside.

11. Can I clean the coffee maker / kettle with vinegar?

Appliances should not be cleaned with vinegar because tar is created which is harmful to the body.

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